Sample Application

This page describes how to download and run the sample application. This sample application is quite complex, for simpler samples please consult either server side support or client tutorial pages. Prerequisites are Maven 2 and Java 5 JDK.

  1. Checkout the source code "svn co spring-ws-test-sample"
  2. Go to "spring-ws-test-sample" directory.
  3. Execute "mvn test". Maven will do its magic and at the end the tests will be executed.
  4. Execute "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to generate Eclipse project.
  5. Execute "mvn jetty:run" to start the project in Jetty server. You can use "AirlineAggregator-soapui-project.xml" SoapUI project. Please keep in mind that only GetFlight service is implemented and since it is trying to connect to non-existing services, empty result will be returned.